More information on slum tourism

Here are a few video clips I was going to show in class during our slum tourism discussion, but didn’t get a chance. If you are interested in this topic, take a look.

A brief video Bloonberg News story about tourism in Rio Favelas –

We viewed the website of the Emoya Hotel and Spa in South Africa in class and their fake “Shantytown” accommodations. You can view a video of the hotel here –

The British news show Fast Track did a segment on the ethical issues of slum tourism a couple years ago. What’s especially interesting is that they talk about it in both the British context and in “developing” countries. And they talk to a homeless British woman who makes her living off of giving tour of a poor area of London. The video is here – . The segment runs from about 1:10 to 9:05.

Finally, we unfortunately didn’t get to talk in class about “disaster tourism” in New Orleans post-hurricane Katrina, and whether this was a similar or different phenomenon than slum tourism. This is a video from one of the tourism companies that offers a “Katrina tour” – . So is something similar being offered here as a slum tour in a “developing” country?